What is a Vocation?
What is a Vocation?
Friday, 27 October – Sunday, 29 October 2023
Interested in learning more about monastic life? Are you seeking God, something deeper…? Would you like to experience life in a Benedictine community?
Learn more about our Come and See weekend in October 2023…
What is a Vocation? And how will I know if I’m called?
Vocation is one’s response to a call from beyond oneself. Christians believe this something “beyond oneself” is God and sense a call to serve others, to create beauty, and to do good in the world. The calling of vocation, according to St Benedict, is to ‘seek God’.
The spirit of God calls different kinds of people, at different stages of their life journey, to monastic life. Someone who feels that God is calling her to the monastery would need:
• to be a practising Catholic with a sincere desire to seek God;
• an ability to live in community, balanced by a desire for solitude and silence;
• good physical health, psychological maturity, and a sense of humour!
• some work experience after school or college;
• to be at least 21 years old. Our usual upper age limit is 40 years.
Through the vows of stability, fidelity to monastic life, and obedience, a sister renews and strengthens her consecration received in baptism, giving herself to Christ and committing herself in this particular community.
Please feel welcome to make contact without any obligation if you would like to find out more about Benedictine life at Kylemore Ab-bey or to have a chat at any time about your vocation discernment. Vocations Director, Sr Jeanne will be happy to help you discern your way forward.
Contact: Sr Jeanne vocations@kylemoreabbey.ie