Spirituality & Prayer
Spirituality & Prayer
The core mission of a Christian monastic community is to pass on the message of revelation and the teaching of Jesus simply by living authentically as a contemplative community. Centred on God the Creator, the sisters support each other in their vocation, encourage each other, hold each other to account, open for the stranger, inviting others sharing the life of the community with others.
According to the Rule of St Benedict, the monastery invites people who are not monks or nuns to enter into their spiritual space and share something of the spiritual support they experience. To live the contemplative Benedictine life, including its outreach in hospitality, is the core mission of the community. Many thousands of people avail of this opportunity of sharing in our spiritual life by asking us to pray for them.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Requests for prayer, through direct contact or by post or online are welcomed and we will endeavour to respond to all requests. If you have a special intention, or would like the nuns to remember you in their daily prayers, please email pray@kylemoreabbey.ie
Monastic Webcam
The installation of our Monastic Webcam has enabled us to share our daily celebration of Mass and Vespers with many friends of Kylemore far and wide.
Mass and Vespers at Kylemore Abbey
The Benedictine Community invite you to join them for the Abbey Mass in the Monastic Church and look forward to welcoming you.
Mass: Monday to Saturday at 12.15 p.m. and at 11.30 a.m. on Sundays and Solemn Feast Days
Vespers: 5.00 p.m. on Mondays and at 6.00 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday